A Poll of the Parish: The ECC Rocky Mountain Region would be well served by its own Bishop

Monday, August 24, 2009

Time Out for Fr. David

This past Sunday, I shared with our community that I'll be out of commission for a while, beginning Wednesday, September 9th. Some of you know that in recent months I've lost the good use of my right hand. At first we thought I'd had a stroke, but further studies showed the problem is in my cervical spine - a serious narrowing, impinging the spinal cord. So, I'm going to have a cervical spinal fusion. This will be at Boulder Community Hospital, where for years I served as Director of Pastoral Care. My docs are all good friends and former colleagues, and I trust them implicitly. More still, I'm trusting God in this one. I don't like it, and confess to a few worries and scares, but at the end of the proverbial day, it's pretty much in God's hands, isn't it?

So I'll be away for the better part of a month or so, and will be pretty limited when I return. No setting up the tables, for a while. No lifting, no vacuuming the church every Sunday morning. We'll kind of need everyone to pitch in for a while. You'll all do that, won't you? I know you will.

And I'll need your prayers, really will, and for that, in advance, thank you, and I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. love you too and will be praying for you! Wendy
