A Poll of the Parish: The ECC Rocky Mountain Region would be well served by its own Bishop

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Appreciation of Priests

Here is a posting from parishioner and choir stalwart and all-around good person Sharon Friedman:

Some of you know that I attend an Evening Prayer group composed of people in Clare Choir http://mscchoir.pergamentum.com/. I do that because it is a green pasture for liturgical musicians (asks little but gives much) who like chant, Latin and such like. If you like the internet radio station “choral treasures” you’ll probably like it.

This group had been meeting at Calvary Episcopal in Golden and moved to Spirit of Christ in Arvada for the future. Tonight was our first night there- meets at 6:15 Sundays.. all are welcome!

Anyway, I find that the Director of Clare Choir, Carma’s homilies are often a counterpoint or blend with the homily from Dave or Stan. Tonight our homily was about the “Year of the Priest” and the feastday of St. John Vianney, patron saint of parish priests, on August 4. Now I had not heard of "the year of the priest", since it’s probably an RC thang. She mentioned how we need to let priests know that we appreciate them and give them support, ask them how they are doing, etc. I guess they have two priests there for 2500 families and one of them is ill. My reflections were that in our situation at St. A’s we have 2 for 20-50 individuals. What a blessing!

But I wondered if the fact that they are not full time paid staff of the parish may place them in a situation where we don’t think they need our appreciation and support. I also wonder if perhaps they don’t need it more.. one has another job and one we’re barely paying. I know how blessed I am but I think , well, if I tell Dave it might go to his head.. or I’m too busy… or by the time I want to give feedback on a homily (positive and negative) it is too late, and I figure someone else is doing it. Wow. We have two fantastic priests who don’t get paid very much..I wonder if they know how much they mean to us. We do have a chance to tell them, especially this week. St. John’s feastday is August 4. I think I'll send them a note.

- Sharon Friedman

Thanks to Sharon. Comments, anyone?


  1. Yes, we do have 2 fantasic priests. I love them both. Wendy

  2. WOW! Great post. I agree our clergy need the thanks, pats on the back, big hugs and all the other stuff that goes with it. I am in Holy Family, Aurora and we have four priests and I know they are sometimes overworked and underpaid all the time.
    Every little bit helps. Give a priest a hug today.
