A Poll of the Parish: The ECC Rocky Mountain Region would be well served by its own Bishop

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reflecting on The Retreat

I have had several days to reflect on the ECC Retreat in Estes Park. My impressions are many and varied, which is as it should be, given the wonderfully diverse and incredibly gifted bunch of people who attended. Eighty-some in all, from around the country. How good to see friends, and good to make new ones. The conversations, both in the formal sessions and around the tables at meal time, were in earnest, interesting, funny, serious, provoking - a very heady stew.

The prayer sessions (Morning and Evening Prayer each day, in addition to Eucharist) were a great mix of style and content. Each was warmly evocative of the Spirit, perfect beginnings and endings for our time together. St. Augustine's had the honor of presenting Morning Prayer for Thursday. Ours was a simple format, taken right out of the Liturgy of the Hours. In comparison to some of the other services, it was nearly austere, and yet I think each of the services provided a nice contrast with the others, and all of them together afforded a sweep of liturgical possibilities. We began and ended our prayer in song, with able assist from the guitar and voice of Fr. Len Shreiner.

Fr. Bjorn Marcussen, whom I first met 6 or 7 years ago, was a very inspiring presenter. He had lots of material, and the first session in particular was heavy with background info, but that was necessary. By the end of the second session, I think most could see that he was taking us on a journey, helping us to travel around all the many implications of this thing we call Independent Catholicism. He helped us with questions of identity, community, faith, and the call to love. He is truly a great person, and I'm delighted to be invited to share a continuing conversation with him.

Estes Park was, of course, beautiful and summer-delightful. The YMCA Camp proved itself once again as a perfect spot for such a gathering. We mingled with many other groups - the numbers became obvious at mealtime in the vast cafeteria (but the waits in chow line are never too long, thank God).

It took an incredible amount of work to put it all together, and our thanks and admiration are due to the members of the Regional Council, including Laura Strom and Fr. Stan, and our Vicar, Fr. Scott Jenkins. They've done good.

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