A Poll of the Parish: The ECC Rocky Mountain Region would be well served by its own Bishop

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Denver Interfaith Council Invites Us

I have been in communication with Rev. John Thompson, who chairs the Denver Interfaith Council at Stapleton, and who invites our membership in the Council. I’m not sure if any of our parishioners have ever taken part in such a group, but I believe this would be a wonderful experience for us.

Years ago, while pastoring in Colorado Springs, I was invited to join the Pikes Peak Interfaith Council. Over the next six years I was very much involved, including service as President and in other roles. It was a vibrant, focused group, and we spent a great deal of time learning about one another and trying to grow our own hospitality to difference – in beliefs and expression – before tackling the world.

We did tackle local issues where we felt it appropriate to do so. Peace and social justice issues were a substantial theme. Pooling our resources to invite prominent speakers to town was a great tool for our mutual learning and outreach. We tried to steer clear of politics per se, but on issues campaigns, we were a prominent voice (at least, a frequent and for some, an annoying voice).

Our method was interesting: each month we’d meet at a member’s place of worship. One month it was at a Mormon church, the next perhaps at the UCC, and then the Unitarian Universalists, then the Roman Catholic, next the Pagans (we met in a park!), and so on. The host would devote part of the program to a brief introduction/explanation of her/his faith tradition’s worship, with a helpful tour of the worship space. After this, and usually over a lunch, we’d break open our discussion on both agenda topics and new ideas. Usually we’d have 15-20 folks on hand. It developed into a great fellowship, and soon we were leaning on one another for mutual support, fellowship, and fun.

When I returned to Denver, I inquired but found the Denver Interfaith Council to be inactive. That was a great disappointment following the healthy experience in Colorado Springs. And that’s why this new invitation – and the prospect of a good, healthy group here – is so appealing to me.

These are NOT exclusively clergy groups. I am hoping that some folks in our parish might have an interest in attending to check it out. They meet once a month, on the second Wednesday, at Johnson and Wales University in the President's Boardroom in the student union building. Quebec Street just north of 17th Avenue. The meeting runs from 9:30 am-11:00 am.
Hope you’ll join me on August 12th.

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